From May Day to Memorial day, the month of May brings more new life as we start to move from
Spring towards the warmth of summer. A few more rainy days to bring a bit more sunshine,
flowers, and the fruit of the earth to feed those around the world. For our contemplation,
what feeds you? Your body, your mind, your soul? The earth brings us many things to feed
the body, mind and soul. Enjoying them as they come and sharing that beauty with others
builds up the peace and beauty in the world. (A shortened description of magic! ;) )
If you'd like to let a yoga class and our community help feed your body, mind and soul,
please join us. There is still a free class for all healthcare workers,
those supporting the service of our community. It's 15 minutes worth of self care and tools to
take with you and practice any time you have a few minutes to fill your own cup.