An extra love letter this month! During the end of this year for me time has been spent on cleaning out the home (physical house, internal heart and soul both as home), reflecting to understand and learn (through some more changes personally), giving and receiving love (I even cooked what came out as good steak and bacon for family), preparing for the new year and events ahead (more down below on these!), and Resting (yes, with a capital R) in order to move into the new year with a lightness of spirit. May you also have had time to enjoy the joys of giving and receiving, quality time with loved ones, and checking in on the year’s growth to allow space for the beauty of the new year.
In the days ahead as we continue to celebrate each day and really know that we are living and breathing the love that we would like to into the world. Here are a few things you’re welcome to join in on:
On January 4th at 6:30 p.m., I’ll be offering a special class in Mendota at the YMCA since our Monday class has had some holiday breaks. Come join in at 6:30 pm to keep the momentum from last year until the Monday class resumes on January 15th at its normal time.
Book club books are in and some have already been delivered. We will be resuming book club on January 8th after everyone gets a copy of the book. We will be reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and commencing after the event listed below. You’re welcome to join along in person or virtually. Just send me a message to join.
On January 8th at 6 p.m. is also a wonderful collaboration with The Mendota YMCA and Alzheimer’s Association! This is a great way to learn more about the impact Alzheimer’s has on individual’s and those around them. Prior to the knowledge sharing, we will have a chair yoga class to move the body which definitely helps with mental, emotional and physical stress to support the mind. I’m excited and honored to be a part of this as I have lived with someone with dementia and know a number of people that have as well. Not only that, preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s is impacted by our habits and lifestyle as we age. I’m willing to put in the effort to be my best self and prevent the possibility (part of ayurveda’s goal is prevention!). Come join in at 6 p.m.!
On January 14th is the annual Appreciation Event for everyone as part of yoga, E&E, book club, and any of the community classes! If you didn’t know by now, (I sure hope you do!), having you all as a part of the community and classes means quite a bit to me. (I even send these letters to my immediate family to keep them up to date and in the loop!) I appreciate being able to share the journey with each one of you. Seeing the growth for each of us makes the benefit of making the world a better place and more peaceful much more visible. This event is in person and typically we share space, food and time. You’re welcome to join virtually if you’d like as well!
Since it is the end of the year, please think about what you would like your word to be for next year. Send me a message and I’ll provide you with an updated item to add to our collection from the last few years. My word this year was one. As described briefly in the last email, this wasn’t about being one as the loneliest number, rather surrounded and with many others feeling empowered, full of life and supported as me. Two or more whole beings, which we are whole even when we feel sad or not enough, coming together makes for something of beauty in the alignment to what can be created in this world. To the future versions of this and an appreciation for the present status. Thank you for being here.
Contemplate the above when choosing your word or use these questions if you’d like:
The class schedule is still the same as last month other than the items listed above, so I’ll keep this part brief. Individual classes for yoga, wellness counseling, or ayurvedic therapies are available by reaching out to me to determine a scheduled time.
As always, Enjoy and Encourage will be sending out event updates at least monthly and supporting going to the events together and you’re also always welcome to send any book suggestions to me for the book club.
May your being be free and light
Free to be through all of the experiences of life.
In all things love, with love, as love, always love,