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End of 2021

Community! My gratitude for each of you and the community we have.

Coming together is not something to take for granted. This year has been wonderful to see you all and rejoin our practice as a community whether on the mat, via these messages, or other methods of interaction.

The year is coming to a close. Yoga classes continue with the brief hiatus while I traveled to Mexico for a yoga retreat with some practitioners and teachers. The last few months have been building up for me to be able to take this break, and I appreciate your patience with me while I was away. As we move into the new year, there's some new things going on and year end information to share. Please take some time to digest the below and take it all in. It will be exciting to continue building this community and support those around us.

On the 19th we celebrated the winter solstice (a bit early as it was the 21st) with 108 sun salutations. We had it in person and virtual this year with modifications if needed for the sun salutations and included a potluck and good company too. Send me a message, text, or call if you are interested in joining for the next change in the season. It was also donation based with the proceeds going to IVAR.

In January, an appreciation and yoga community event is coming. Come join for a night of fun with games and time together. However, we've got to set a date yet! When are you free in January on a weekend? I will have your chosen word for 2022 ready for you to add to your bracelet or keychain. If you haven't gotten your first bracelet or keychain yet, please let me know your preference for peace, love or joy and what word you would like for next year.

January also starts a new book for our Monday classes. If you are interested in reading the book together, please let me know and I'll get your first book on order. We are planning to read a book by Don Miguel Ruiz starting in January.

The summer classes all went to IVAR for those that participated. The annual donation last year

was for the local food bank and St. Jude's. Where would you like to see our donation for this year go? Let me know in a message, text or call and we will continue our tradition of giving. I'm also open to hearing your feedback, which you can share with me in person, email, text, or call as well.

A small group of yogis even started getting together for events in the community such as a day at goat yoga, sky diving, or time at a salt room. There are many small businesses to support in our area and opportunities for healing and enjoyment. If you'd like to join and hear what the group is up to, please let me know. All are welcome without requirement to participate in every event. You're also welcome to share events with me to add to the list for folks to be aware are coming up to support.

More planning is going in to next year and the years ahead. If you have requests, please let me know as we continue to learn and grow together shining our light.

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